Sunday, August 7, 2011

Neeeew Yooork

So, I thinkI’m going to New Yorkin October. I KNOW. So exciting. I have never been overseas before so am aboutto jump out my skin. Even though I am currently undergoing the arduous task ofgetting a new birth certificate (as my mother lost my original one) andapplying for a new passport (I HATE FORMS) I am still undeterred.

However,all I can pretty much think about is NOT being reunited with Huna, my love andclosest celebrity-gossip-sharing confidante; NOT experiencing the city thatnever sleeps and immersing myself in this fabulous culture that I’ve beenhearing about since, like, forever; NOT meeting my family for the first time(although, admittedly, that IS pretty exciting) but about all the beautyproducts I want to buy.

I haveserious problems. I am aware of this. BUT THEY ARE JUST SO CHEAP OVER THERE.

OPI? Cheapas chips in the old U.S. of A! MAC? Drugstore brand! NARS? A mere $24 for alipstick! (c.f. $58 Australian…!) I think I’m hyperventilating. For someone whospends so much hard-earned cash on beauty products weekly, I feel like I’llactually be SAVING money in New York.Or something. Math is hard.

I haven’teven MENTIONED the money I’ll save as I buy things from Topshop and MarcJacobs! (I need a watch, for realz).

Look at allthe famous landmarks I’ll be going to!

So is there anything else I should do/see in NY? That's pretty much it right? I got this covered.