“Yes there are [acting plans]. But not in Bollywood. I’m doing much better off in Hollywood, as I’ve got a few offers but had to turn them down due to my age and schoolwork. It was very upsetting.” Impressively, some of the films she’s already turned down include Saw III (October 27), Marie Antoinette (October 20), and Casino Royale (November 16). She’s also signed a contract with the popular specialty clothing store Abercrombie & Fitch.
“I have a very strong relationship with him,” she says. “Most people think he and I aren’t very close but they’re wrong. Just because I don’t see him everyday doesn’t mean me and him aren’t close. I talk to him, I’d say, every three days?” I asked Trishala whether or not her dad had ever expressed interest towards her entering Bollywood – a very current issue, as the recent past has seen an emergence of the star-children generation. “For Bollywood it’s completely different now. He used to express interest, but now it’s just stay out of it.” Further justifying his stance, “Girls are used mainly as props for films, which he does not want me getting into.” Once again one finds little basis to argue. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule (i.e. Kalpana Lajmi’s films). In response to Bollywood’s foil, Hollywood: “In Hollywood you can pick and choose what you want and don’t want to do. In Bollywood you have to do what is required. Ultimately it’s the director who is going to make you a star for a Bollywood actress. If you’re good, you last maximum 3-4 years? And then you become “old” because someone new has come.”
But don’t get her wrong; Trishala had been a pretty big fan of that very Industry. “I used to know every single movie and every single song. I guess that was when I was younger. I got older, signed with modeling contracts and offers, and I’m doing law for now. I just lost touch with it.”